Executive Summits hosts one of the largest executive best practices organizations globally, having helped over 3,500 member companies covering 20 functional groups listed below. Each group provides the world's top business leaders in that function the ability to gather monthly and exchange best practices to drive the performance of their companies and hear from top thought leaders on the most pressing issues confronting their industry and role.

Best Practices Groups that Meet Monthly.
What Are the Groups?
Executive Summits is an elite group of top executives who meet monthly by teleconference to focus on excellence. We share top ideas, best practices, and are committed to each other's success.
Meeting Format.
Monthly meetings (one-hour teleconferences) provide a powerful forum in which thought leaders can exchange what is working, what is not, strategies and ideas in a confidential environment with a dedicated group of other leaders whose only agenda is to help each other outperform.
To join Executive Summits you must either be one of the top executives at the corporate or divisional level (common titles include EVP, SVP, VP, Dir) or be a possible contender to eventually ascend into one of these top positions.
As a member, you will benefit from the following:- Participate in monthly meetings, and access the recordings and slides if you miss them.
- Access to recordings and presentation slides for all previous years' meetings.
- Exchange what is working, what is not, strategies and top ideas.
- Build a powerful network of top execs committed to each other' success.
- Learn how to Outperform from other respected leaders who outperform.
- Exchange best practices with an elite Who's Who peer group.
- Solve key business challenges with ideas and solutions others have found.
- Executive guidance from other thought leaders to drive corporate performance.
- Ideas to develop your team and transform your area to drive profitable growth.
- Receive counsel from other respected leaders on your pending decisions, new tactics, and strategies.
- Benefits your entire team. Monthly Keynotes for you and up to 5 of your staff by teleconference (included).
- On-site best practices exchange visits between members are also encouraged and done frequently.
- On your schedule. We record all meetings so if tied up you can access them whenever convenient.
Over 3,500 companies have joined/participated to date: