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Executive Summits was created by execs who wanted to take the next step beyond conferences and events which present ideas but little camaraderie or accountability. By creating the invitation-only summit where only the best are invited, it is possible to share best practices, experiences and insights in a candid, open environment while holding each other accountable for excellence.
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Executive Summits is committed to enabling its members to build relationships and learn from the experiences of their peers by providing timely relevant discussions and exceptional service delivery. Meeting these objectives has enabled members to improve performance of their organizations and enhance their careers.
Exceptional executives who have been nominated for membership. Vendors are not allowed to join or participate to ensure openness. Disclosing other members' issues, challenges, or confidential info to third parties shall be cause for immediate suspension of membership.
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Summit members are encouraged to take active participation in the monthly meetings as well as supply feedback in order for us to continually strive to bring you the most current and relevant topics.
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"It's very valuable to go outside your own industry to look at the skills and value-added processes from other areas, to see what people in other industries are doing, and how they're doing it, to apply to your own industry. If people just pick their heads up and look into other companies, there's a lot that you can adopt."
- Dennis Deering, V.P. Global Service Operations Planning & Support, Diebold, Inc.
"Talking to peers, kibbutzing and sharing best practices -- it's very powerful. Even at my level of experience, I still learn new things when I go to these."
- Michael Frankel, Senior VP, Business Development and M&A, LexisNexis Group
"Networking inside the company and outside the company is equally important. We've hired a lot of great talent because of networking."
- Ed Smith, Senior VP & CIO of U.S. Consumer Information Solutions, Equifax
"When you can get a glimpse of what is going on in the market, even a tiny glimmer of what can happen, you'll be able to jump on a new trend and get ahead of your competition."
- Kerry Desberg, Global Communications Manager, Owens Corning
"Networking is a lifeline to being successful and to helping your group achieve your goals. You have to have a fresh perspective."
- Eric Thomas, Director of Global Sourcing & Procurement at Novell
"I think networking outside your industry is critical to keep the flow of new ideas coming into your mind, and your organization."
- Jim McComb, Senior Vice President of Finance, Bank of America
"Networking is extremely valuable. You have to approach your career as a learning opportunity and networking in the first place has allowed me to learn."
- Herman Nell, Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Petco
"The network of relationships between people, whether the old fashioned kind or via new modern social networks, is absolutely critical to operate with speed across geographies and business silos."
- Polly Pearson, VP of Employment Brand & Strategy, EMC Corporation
"I find it very invigorating to learn from others and adapt ideas from others, rather than always assuming our way is the best way. Sometimes others have better ideas than we do."
- Larry Quinlan, CIO, Deloitte
"It's amazing, how giving companies are to share their best practices. It's an awesome way to move forward; it's a diversity of experience, a diversity of knowledge, you can tap into."
- Ron Reighter, Vice President of Global Trade Solutions, Sun Trust Bank
"Networking is very valuable in not only finding and bringing in the right people for your organization, but in keeping connected with others. You can exchange ideas and learn from other people's experiences."
- Dov Shenkman, SVP of Inventory Management, OfficeMax
"Networking helps me review business issues with peers. And of course, by networking, I am able to hire some of the best people to join the Go Daddy family."
-Michael Zimmerman, CFO, GoDaddy.com